Digital Camera

I received as x-mas gift a beautiful and amazing Sony digital camera:

My digital camera

It’s able to take nice photos of course (5Mp – sufficient to print A4 pics), but beyond that, it’s possible to take some short film sequences together with sound. The recorded format is mpeg which is easily converted to dv thanks to ffmpeg:

# ffmpeg -i "input_file.mpeg" -target dv -sameq -s 640x480 -t 1:0:0 "output_file.dv"

Why doing that??? Simply to edit those sequences and make some video-montage with kino.

Once I’m familiar enough with that program, I’ll post some movies here.


X-MAS TuxI wish you all a merry Christmas!


A little before X-mas, I received my laptop back from repair.

Yes, I couldn’t see it anymore stupidly laying down under a desk…And if you don’t know why I wasn’t using it, please read here and there.

That cost me some money (they had to replace the motherboard, because of these damned integrated video cards)…but much less than for a new laptop. Once back home, I directly put the Ubuntu 5.10 Install CD into the CD-Rom drive, and started its installation. Some minutes later, it was up and running, and everything (WiFi, multimedia keys, Xorg config, …) was working fine out of the box.

Here is a small screenshot:

Ubuntu Screenshot