Archive for Linux

10 fingers typing

Until this morning, I only used up to 4 fingers when typing on the computer. Then I installed KTouch : a program to learn how to touch-type. After training a couple of hours, I’m able to use all my fingers to type… and it’s so great! Why did I wait so long to learn it!!!


Using KTouch is simple : once installed, fire it up, and select your keyboard layout. Then select a default lecture, and start a new training session. The default color theme colors the key by finger, but you can change it. You can also configure KTouch so that it automatically changes the difficulty level in accordance with your results : the limits (in character per second and error rate) to increase or decrease the level are adjustable.

It’s a good tool to learn typing and train to increase your typing speed (I must be around the 20 words per minute, so I still have to train a lot!!!). Actually, I’m typing faster with only 2 fingers, but I’m sure it will be the other way around within a couple of weeks ;-).

Mysql Databases Backup

Everybody knows it: backups ARE important…But not everybody does backup 😉

I decided to start backing up my Mysql databases to a remote server, you know, just in case…

I wrote a short shell script that does the job automatically for me: it uses commands like mysqldump, gzip and ssh to do the whole stuff. It also rotates the backups on the remote server. That is, simply rename the existing copies on the remote server instead of directly removing it. After some rotations, it removes the oldest backup.
I do this it to let me some time to detect a database problem (data corruption, etc) before overwriting the good backup by a corrupted version…

You can choose the rotation amount (default: 7) by modifying the script, and the backup rate by configuring cron.

Here is the full script. It’s also available from the “linux -> files” section of my site.

# Script Name:
# Purpose: creates a backup of all Mysql databases:
#	- dumps all databases and zip them (.sql.gz)
#	- rotates old backups on remote server (7 rotations)
#	- copies new backup to remote server (rotation 1)
#	- Optional: mail result
# Author: Harck
# Date: 21AUG06

# Mysql Settings:
mysql_host="host" # usually localhost

# SSH Settings:
rport="ssh_port" # typically 22
backup_dir="EXISTING directory on remote host"

# Other settings:
mailto="" #leave empty to disable e-mail notification

# Check for working dir
if [ ! -d $working_dir ]; then
	mkdir $working_dir

# Dump the databases in the working dir:
dbs=`$MYSQL -u $mysql_user -h $mysql_host -p$mysql_password \
        -Bse 'show databases'`
for db in $dbs
	$MYSQLDUMP -u $mysql_user -h $mysql_host -p$mysql_password $db | \
	$GZIP -9 > $working_dir/$db.sql.gz

# Rotate old backups on remote host
for prev in 6 5 4 3 2 1
	(( next = prev + 1 ))
	$SSH -p $rport $ruser@$rhost mv $backup_dir/rotation_$prev/* \
	$backup_dir/rotation_$next/ 2> /dev/null

# Copy all backups to backup_dir/rotation_1
$SCP -P $rport -r $working_dir/* $ruser@$rhost:$backup_dir/rotation_1/

# Mail notification:
if [ ! -z $mailto ]; then
	echo "Subject: Mysql Backup" > $temp_email
	echo "Mysql Backup completed on "`date` >> $temp_email
	echo "Successfully backed up:" >> $temp_email
	echo "" >> $temp_email
	$SSH -p $rport $ruser@$rhost ls -l $backup_dir/rotation_1 >> \
	$CAT $temp_email | $SENDMAIL $mailto
	rm $temp_email

# Clean working dir
rm -r $working_dir

# Exit
exit 0

WordPress 2.0 [Updated]

By the way, I really hate the wordpress 2.0 interface, and particularly the “Write Post” section. It tries to be too smart for me. I appreciate a simple and dumb writing interface like the old one, and not this new ajax stuff, that really does weird things.

Why not using the included HTML editor then??? I tried this one, and it would have been a great thing if wordpress didn’t try to interpret the code I write. It automatically adds “br” and “p” tags everywhere. If I wanted them, I would have written them!

After turning off the “rich editor” option in my account preferences, I got the writing interface as I like it! Finally, wordpress is still my Content Managing System of choice 😉