Archive for Quick&Dirty

Quick&Dirty: désactiver le texte clignotant…

Il y a toujours des webmasters qui croient intéressant d’ajouter du texte clignotant dans leurs pages, histoire d’attirer le visiteur ou que sais-je… Rien de plus énervant. Encore une fois, Firefox vient à la rescousse:

  • taper “about:config” dans la barre d’adresse
  • Cliquer sur le bouton “I’ll be careful, I promise!” (ah l’humour des développeurs…)
  • rechercher le paramètre “browser.blink_allowed” et le changer vers “false

Et voilà le travail…

Quick&Dirty: keep ssh connections alive

A irritating problem started to occur some weeks ago: my ssh connections dropped off after some minutes of inactivity. With security in mind, this is not such a bad thing, but since I didn’t change anything neither on the server side nor on the client side, I suspect my ISP of having change some DSL line parameters…

Anyway, the following trick solved that issue; simply add the following line to your ~/.ssh/config file (or create it if necessary):

serveraliveinterval 60

This will send a keepalive message to the server each 60 seconds. I found this solution particularly suitable for my needs as I didn’t need to change the config of all my servers.

Quick&Dirty: get rid of this annoying beep

You know, that tiny little irritating beep that appears when typing the Tab or the Backspace keys too many times in the terminal… I was getting sick of hearing this damn sound since I switched back to fluxbox (under gnome, I disabled this in the preferences menu). Until I found this simple ear-saving command:

xset -b

I even miss the beep right now… but not for long!