Apple Seed

I went to Lille this week-end, for a kind of shopping trip ;-). Lille is full of nice shops, going from the small gadget shop in the old city (very cute part of the city) to the Fnac or “Le furet du Nord”. In some multimedia shop, I heard some heavy action sound coming out a dark room. I took a look, and saw the trailer of one of the most beautiful animation movie I’ve ever seen: Apple Seed.

Apple Seed - Deunan

The trailer was excessively impressive, and so is the entire movie! It’s the story of some Artificial Intelligence called Gaia (hum… like in Final Fantasy ???) controlling bioroids: human clones without feelings, reproductive skills, …They were created to stop the human killing nature: war, murders, … Without feelings, no hate.

Deunan Kute, the heroin, was still fighting a war in a devastated world, unaware it has already ended, when she got captured by some heavy armed soldiers. She woke up in a super-modern city, and realized it was her old friend that took her out of the war. She joined the ESWAT: the elite police force, and…

Just get the movie if you are interested in the end of the story 😛

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