Graspop Live!

I’m using Belgacom ADSL as internet provider, and during the summer, they are offering live streaming of many festivals going around in Belgium: Graspop Metal Meeting, Rock Werchter, Pukkelpop, …

I do not ittend to spend my time in front on my screen to watch all those nice concerts, so I’m using Mplayer to record those data streams:

mplayer -dumpstream mms://url/of/stream.wmv

Of course, the recording lasts for the time of the concert, but then I’m able to watch the concert when I want, and to go forward and backward into the stream… Nice! 🙂

Vacuum Cleaners

I hate vacuum cleaners… Not only for the task they suggest (cleaning), but specially for their dumb power cable and stupid wheels. You know, this dumb cable that always got in the way of the stupid wheels, making the whole vacuum cleaner a hell to move and to make it follow you.

When will the Wireless Cleaner be available???

Upgrade to Dapper Drake

Today I decided to updgrade my Ubuntu 5.04 System (Breezy) to the latest version, i.e. Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake). After some 764Mb of new packages, some (un-happy) removals, some installations, and some error saying that the upgrade process has been stopped due to an unforeseen error (huh!), I could manually reboot my system into its new version!

I’m a big supporter of FVWM, and use it daily instead of Gnome, which I find too slow, as I use aTerm for the same reason and conky for monitoring my system. How big was my surprise too see just after logging in a pink conky, black on black window titles, and aterm refusing to start due to some color error.

After some debugging, here is what I found out:

When starting aterm, I got this error:

aterm: can't load color black

followed by identical output for a bunch of various colors. I suspected the same happens with conky and FVWM, which cannot extrapolate HEX colors from these color names.

The solution was to modify the line in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file which define the path to the rgb color file (rgb.txt). After the upgrade, it has simply moved from some /usr/X11.../lib/... location to /etc/X11/rgb.txt.

Simply putting

RgbPath ="/etc/X11/rgb"

in the Xorg config file did the trick (don’t type the .txt!!!).