Old party, Old pictures

Hey a friend of mine sent me these old pictures of a party. The party was “Le Gazon” in the “Parc Royal” in Brussels. It’s free open air parties, happening every week-end of summer…if the weather permits…


It happened! I managed to convince my father to buy harckmans.be. So I made a little website for the family, trying out some css tricks. It will be my second testing area with this site (which doesn’t evolve much…).

Follow the link…

Who is it?

Please welcome our new friend:

I let Catherine introduce him:

So this is a nohohon ( best known as kiloo, why kiloo ? I don’t know actually…it just sounded nice…).
This yellow bald alien ( also given by a bald man ) is powered by the sun and when it is a little bit sunny ( which is not often the case here in Belgium) my dear sweat little friend does something wonderful…he sways his head ( isn’t it fabulous ??? ) from left to right, from right to left, again and again, and again…