Next WAN Party…

…planned on Wednesday, the 4st of May! Officialy from 2100 ’til 2200, but hardcore gamerz will surely be there from 1930-2000.

Be there also.

Password protected: feel free to ask it
Game: enemy territory v 2.6

Have Fun!!!!

Sunny Day!

Ah the sun is back! Blue sky, hot weather, shining sun!!! And of course it’s the day I choose to wash my car… I had to do it! It was so “crade” 😉 !!!!

Now it’s blinking, and I strongly hope it won’t rain from tomorrow 🙁

Allez, I still have to clean it inside … My girlfriend love to leave old plastic bags, papers, and hairs 🙂 Time to remove it all!


Yeah! That was GREAT!!!! Sniping, blowing, pulverizating, dynamiting everywhere….. If you was there, you understand what I mean…If not, don’t miss it next time!!!!
