Installation complete

As you can see on my current desktop, I came back to fluxbox for my fresh Gentoo 2005.0 install:

actual desktop

Fluxbox is a lightweight but very powerful X Window Manager. It’s not as higly configurable as FVWM, but much much easier. Where the default config for FVWM shows an ugly desktop (think to the Solaris CDE), fluxbox has a nice look by default. And after some navigation through the configuration menu, you are in front of a real eye-candy desktop!!!

Now let speak about the nicest aspect: to install it in Gentoo, you only have to do one thing after emerging X11-xorg:

emerge fluxbox

There is only one “file” to emerge, and after some minutes, it’s done. However, if you intend to define some personal desktop background, you will need to emerge eterm as well (it’s a terminal emulator, but featuring a great background setup tool – fbsetbg).

You can find a complete installation guide for Gentoo here.

floppy made

I quickly went to my brother’s home to make this driver floppy. The same time i grabbed some games (Doom3, half life 2…).

Windows is now installed and working…Let’s try the games!!!!

For those interested, here are the specs of the little beast:

  • ASUS K8V-X Motherboard
  • AMD 64 3200+ CPU
  • 1GB RAM
  • GeForce 6600GT 128MB
  • HD 160GB SATA
  • Dual layer DVD Writer

not bad… 😉

It’s there…

I bought the hardware… Fred helped me to put it together… After some problems with the power-on (?), everything seems to be ok…except that to install Window$, you have to make a driver floppy to support the SATA drive…and this can only be done in Window$….

Do you see the logic??? You need to have win to install win!!!!!! I must be dreaming…

So I have to wait until tomorrow to make this fuckin’ floppy!!!!!

Until then, I downloaded the AMD 64 Gentoo Live CD and begun to install it….And guess what…Gentoo recognized my SATA drive directly!!! Who said linux is a mess to install?

Stay tuned for the end of the story….