Postfix + Courier + MySQL

At least!!! After several hours navigating from config file to config file, I managed to set up a small mail server based on Postfix (in charge for the SMTP part), Courier IMAP + POP (optionally over SSL), and MySQL for authentication.

Postfix itself and Courier were the easy part. Implementing the MySQL authentication scheme was a little bit harder, using some deprecated howto’s.

But now I can exchange mail with local users (users that can physically log on the system) and virtual users as well (defined in a database). The nice thing is that it supports multiple email addresses with the same prefix (as long as the domain is different: and

I still have to investigate some other options (forwarding mail to many addresses, SaSL authentication scheme, …). I also have to install a nice web interface like Horde IMP for example.

Also, Fred is looking for using LDAP in place of MySQL. More news about it later on…

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