Postfix + Courier + MySQL

At least!!! After several hours navigating from config file to config file, I managed to set up a small mail server based on Postfix (in charge for the SMTP part), Courier IMAP + POP (optionally over SSL), and MySQL for authentication.

Postfix itself and Courier were the easy part. Implementing the MySQL authentication scheme was a little bit harder, using some deprecated howto’s.

But now I can exchange mail with local users (users that can physically log on the system) and virtual users as well (defined in a database). The nice thing is that it supports multiple email addresses with the same prefix (as long as the domain is different: and

I still have to investigate some other options (forwarding mail to many addresses, SaSL authentication scheme, …). I also have to install a nice web interface like Horde IMP for example.

Also, Fred is looking for using LDAP in place of MySQL. More news about it later on…

Pancakes Party

This morning was the greatest moment for the big Pancake Party!!! A few pictures is better than lots of words:

Pile Love Love 2...

As you can see, that was a great fallback into childhood… 😉

Gimp creation

Here is another little creation made in gimp:

cath in blue top...

I used ultraman’s tutorials to do it.